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Personal Profile Page: PA1

Key Information

Age: 10 Years

Height: 144cm

Weight: 6st

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Light brown, short

Ethnic Background: Caucasian

Location: Within 40m London

... his stage debut as Oliver and what a little star this boy is. He encapsulates all that is pure and innocent about Oliver, his voice has a lovely clarity that will only improve with age. His rendition of “Where is love?” brought a tear to my eye.

Skills, Experience & Credits

Singing, acting. Dance Ability. 

Football skills.

Pure, unbroken voice.

Superman Redux Movie - Richard DeDomenici; actor

'Stay Safe 'Anti-bullying App - Gary Payne 2016; actor, dancer

Recording vocalist for Harpenden Pantomime 2015 - 2017

'Oliver' - Rare Productions 2018; Role: 'Oliver'

Review by Nancy Stevens of Secklow Sounds: Oliver. Rare Productions 

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